“Primoz, we really like your ideas and we want to work with you. Just tell us how we can work together and give us your terms, and we’ll find the budget for it.” – what a CEO of a company that’s never heard of me before said to me last week.
Today, I’ll teach you how to get an infinite stream of new, high-value clients, without pitching, by investing only 1-2 hours. I’ll teach you how to get CEOs of companies (or your dream clients) to WANT to work with you, and send you messages like the one above.
There’s no strings attached, it’s all here in this e-mail.
I’ll share my formula with you with two specific goals in mind – so you can get more clients and drink as many caipirinhas as you wish.
You can use the formula I’ll share with you today – I call it The Infinite Clients Formula – if you’re a consultant, coach or a freelancer – for contract or full time work.
You see, there’s a way to land high-value clients that I’ve found to be much more effective than anything else out there.
I used this same formula to land clients that generated $5,000, $10,000 or even $200,000+ in revenue – from a single client.
This exact formula is used by consultants and coaches that charge $1,000/hour (or more). It’s a well-kept secret of people who “get” how client-acquisition really works, and it will become your new-found unfair advantage.
You can use this formula even if nobody knows who you are yet…
Even if you’re reaching out to a cold audience…
Even if you’ve never had a paying client before…
Even if the client you’d like to work with isn’t actively looking for extra help…
And what’s most important – with it, you can land long-term, high-value clients that you’ll love working with, who will become your best clients and happily pay you premium rates.
This formula will only take you 1-2 hours per client.
I’ve been using and perfecting this formula for the past 10 years.
I used it to land clients that I loved working with, and get mentors and opportunities that were otherwise accessible only to the 1%. With this formula, you’ll join the 1%.
And the best bit?
Practically nobody uses this formula, so you’ll be 3 steps ahead of your competition.
Now, before I share it with you, let me warn you.
There IS a single requirement for using this formula. Without it, it won’t work.
This is the same requirement that I consider a foundation for starting any sort of a business.
You have to be good at what you do.
First, get good at what you do. Don’t use paid clients as a playground to get good. Don’t make big promises without the ability to back them up.
If you don’t do this, you’ll struggle with implementing the formula, and it could even backfire and give you a bad rep. So really, get good at what you do. Then use this formula.
The exception? If you’re NOT good at what you do yet, you could use this approach to land free clients or internships, where you’re open to the fact that you’re still learning, but eager to learn.
So, what’s this Infinite Clients Formula all about?
It’s best if I SHOW you how it works in action, from a practical example that happened to me last week.
Yes, that’s the exact example that got the CEO of a company that never heard of me to say “we want to work with you, we’ll find the budget – just tell us how you want to work together”.
The context:
One of my free-time obsessions is rock climbing (indoor and outdoor). It’s something I do to stay in shape, challenge myself, meet like-minded people and put my mind off of work.
One of my long-term goals is to own an indoor climbing centre myself, since climbing is a booming industry right now and it’d be a whole lot of fun to do that.
But since I don’t want to wait until I have a few million dollars saved up to build one of my own, I had an idea.
There’s a climbing centre that I go to regularly that is the best in town. It has great facilities, great people and decent marketing. It’s doing well on it’s own.
But since I can’t help but analyze the marketing of anyone and anything I see, I’ve secretly been thinking about how I’d run the marketing for it differently if I was the CMO.
And then, last week, I saw that this climbing centre was looking for feedback on their website.
I opened their email, and saw that they had a quick survey that they were asking their members to fill out. That’s already a great sign – since they’re already listening to their customers and want to improve their marketing.
And, just for fun, since I had an hour available, I thought to myself: “let me have some fun with this”.
So I put on my imaginary CMO hat and pretended to be the CMO of the climbing centre.
I opened a Google Document, started bashing the keyboard and came up with 3 pages worth of ideas to improve not only their website, but also their business model and their marketing.
I specifically focused on things that I’m good at, like:
- Strategies for increasing the 3 key metrics that every business needs to optimize (number of customers, frequency of purchase and average order value)
- New product opportunities (online climbing courses, training plans, climbing workshops and group trainings)
- Email marketing and copywriting (to collect more e-mail addresses and get more of their e-mail subscribers to come climb, and to climb more often)
Then, for good measure, I threw in a handful of ideas that I came up with based on the cool things I’ve seen Dutch climbing centres do when I lived in The Netherlands.
The first step of my process was to come up with ideas for improvements.
The second step was to “go above and beyond”, create a ton of value and break down my ideas into easy-to-follow, implementable steps.
I didn’t want to just give them ideas – I wanted them to get excited by them, and to actually implement them (for selfish reasons beyond just getting another potential client – I genuinely wanted the climbing centre to offer an even better service to me, their client).
Here’s how I did that:
- Instead of saying “you should get a lead magnet to collect more e-mail addresses”, I gave them concrete examples of what they could offer as a lead magnet (a beginner’s guide to climbing, a discount on their next visit, etc.)
- Instead of saying “you could create online climbing courses”, I gave them a list of the best examples I’ve found online
- Instead of saying “you could host a community climbing competition”, I broke down exactly how the climbing competitions worked in The Netherlands
Whenever I’m implementing this formula, I want to give potential clients everything I can and leave nothing on the table – just as I want our working relationship to work in the future.
Once I put together this document, I simply e-mailed it to them.
My subject line was simply “Ideas/Feedback for your website and marketing”.
The narrative of the e-mail was “Hey, I noticed you were looking for some ideas… Well, I have plenty of ideas. Here’s a LOOOONG e-mail with them. Feel free to forward this to your marketing department or the CEO. If you have any extra questions for me, I can stop by for coffee – or you can call my cell number that’s included in this e-mail. Here are the ideas…”.
I sent it out directly to their regular, “info” address.
The same afternoon, I got a long thank you e-mail from the social media manager who read the e-mail, thanking me for all the tips.
The next day, I got a call from the CEO, who said that he loves the ideas, and that we should meet for coffee.
A few days later, we did. During our meeting, I mostly listened and asked questions. I wanted to understand which of my ideas were feasible and which weren’t. I wanted to understand what’s already working, their business model, and their vision for the meeting.
I wasn’t pushing my ideas, or pitching anything. I just listened, asked questions, answered their questions and gave a useful tip or two when it felt like the right thing to do.
At the end of the meeting, the CEO told me this:
“Primoz, we really like your ideas and we want to work with you. Just tell us how we can work together and give us your terms, and we’ll find the budget for it.”
And now we’re working out the details of our arrangement.
To recap: in just a few hours, I went from a completely cold potential client to someone who wants to work with me – by using the Infinite Clients Formula.
I use this formula whenever there’s a potential client with who I really want to work with:
- If they’re a cold lead, I use this approach through cold e-mail
- If they reach out to me, I do my research and prepare some ideas for them before or during our first meeting – which makes it a lot easier for them to say yes to working with me. I want to SHOW them what working with me looks like before we ever start working together.
Fun fact #1: I used a variation of this formula years ago when I applied to a position to work with Ramit Sethi. Instead of just filling out the application survey, I created a 30-page Google Document with ideas to improve one of his products and a 90-day strategic plan to scale it. This helped me get the position among many other more experienced candidates.
The formula process works because:
- With it, you instantly position yourself as an expert at what you do
- You SHOW people what you’re capable of, rather than just saying you’re good at what you do
- You stand out from everyone else (as not many people know this approach, or put in the work to execute it)
- You show them all the possible growth opportunities and show them how to implement them (though they usually just end up hiring you to lead the implementation)
- You add a ton of value without asking for anything in return – which almost nobody ever does
Fun fact #2: You can use this approach to get any job / freelance gig / coaching client. It’s not limited to any industry or form of working with someone. The principles apply to almost any type of working relationship – even internships and mentorships.
Let’s take this even further.
Here are the exact steps to put the Infinite Clients Formula into action:
- You find a potential client that you really want to work with
- You take 30 min to do the research on them (or their company), so you understand what they’re already doing and what they’re missing
- You take 30min to brainstorm all the possible improvements
- You take 60min to turn these ideas into “value bombs” that blow them away, through examples, deep explanations, strategic plans, resources and implementation steps
- You send the e-mail (if you have the direct e-mail of the client/CEO that’s best, otherwise a marketing department, assistant or their generic info e-mail can work just as well)
- You patiently wait for the e-mail with the meeting invitation, which typically comes
- At the meeting, you ask a lot of questions, try to understand which ideas would fit well with their existing strategies, and continue to add as much value as you can
- You don’t pitch your services, you wait for them to say “we want to work with you, jus tell us how”
- Voila! You have more $$$ so you can go and drink more caipirinhas 😉
Fun fact #3: If you look closely, you’ll notice that this e-mail follows many of the key principles of this formula ;).
In the upcoming weeks, I have many more “value bombs” ready for you – on a variety of different topics related to growing your business. There’s some true gems in there and stories and frameworks that I never shared before, so stay tuned.
At the same time, I have a handful of openings for private coaching clients. If you’d like me to support you in growing your business, you can apply to work with me here. The application takes most serious entrepreneurs about 30 minutes to fill out. If you’re a good fit for us to work together, I’ll reach out within a few business days.
I typically work with ultra-ambitious entrepreneurs who want to be the best at what they do and make a big impact in the world.
Sample results from my clients include:
- Going from a $1,500 launch to a $235,000 launch in 1.5 years
- Scaling a business from $10,000/month to $30,000/month within 6 months
- Generating $500,000 in revenue within 1 year of setting up a website
Until next time,
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