Welcome to the 7,600+ word Ultimate Review of Derek Halpern’s Sales Page That Converts!
I’m Primoz – I’ve ran an online business successfully for the last 6 years, and a few weeks ago I used Derek Halpern’s Sales Page That Converts to write a $36,318 sales page in under two weeks (more on that later).
I wrote the most detailed review of Sales Page That Converts online and I really tried to cover every single aspect of it – from how I liked the course, what I didn’t like about it, my results with it, to how long it will take you to go through it and whether you should join it or not.
As this is a pretty long review, I created a table of content for it below, so you can just skip to the part that you’re most interested in:
1. Who is Derek Halpern?
2. “What is Sales Page That Converts?”
3. How Sales Page That Converts works
3.1. The weekly lessons
3.2. The step-by-step worksheets
3.3. Additional resources
3.4. 90-day Email Access to Sales Page Coaches
4. Why I joined Sales Page That Converts
5. My results from using Sales Page That Converts: A $36,381 product launch
6. What it was like to write a sales page using Sales Page That Converts
6.1. Module 1: The research
6.2. Module 2: This is where the real work begins
6.3. Module 3: Where it all came together
6.4. Module 4: The finishing touches
7. My 3 biggest lessons from Sales Page That Converts
7.1. Lesson #1: Sales pages are assembled, not written
7.2. Lesson #2: Pick just ONE audience for your sales page to make everything 100x easier
7.3. Lesson #3: Editing is a 3-step process (and it’s easier than I thought)
8. How my life and business is different after going through Sales Page That Converts
9. How long does it take to go through Sales Page That Converts?
10. My biggest challenges with Sales Page That Converts (and how I overcame them)
10.1. Challenge #1: Not knowing if my writing is good or not
10.2. Challenge #2: I had to “kill my baby” multiple times
10.3. Challenge #3: Writing got REALLY tough towards the end
11. Who do I think Sales Page That Converts is right for?
12. My honest opinion about Sales Page That Converts
12.1. What I loved about Sales Page That Converts
12.2. What I think could be improved about Sales Page That Converts
12.3. Would I recommend you to join Sales Page That Converts?
13. The secrets behind how I successfully created a $36,318 sales page using Sales Page That Converts in under two weeks
Now let’s dive in!
1. Who is Derek Halpern?
I’ve first heard of Derek Halpern from Social Triggers when I was preparing for a conference called Behaviorcon that my mentor Ramit Sethi hosted back in 2013:

As I listened to the interview, I remember thinking to myself “wow, this guy is hilarious, knows what he’s talking about and he obviously does a ton of hard work that most people don’t”. I was excited to hear him speak at the conference.
A few weeks later, I did. His speech was the last speech of the conference, and in my eyes it was one of the best if not the best speech at the event.
It was entertaining.
It was packed with value.
It was done in plain english language that everyone could understand.
I loved it. All of it.
You could see that hours and hours of work and rehearsals went into the speech and it was mindblowing how Derek was able to take complicated concepts and explain them in a fun way with real life examples that you could understand and start using right away.
There was one specific technique that I remember from Derek that I’m using in almost every email I write to my email list (if you pay close attention, you’ll notice that I even use it in this very post).
It was the “Before-After-Bridge” technique for writing in a more persuasive way.
The idea behind it was that you shouldn’t try to persuade people by telling them that they’re wrong and you’re right – and desperately trying to prove them.
Instead, you can use the following framework:
- BEFORE: First, you can share a story of a problem that your audience is experiencing right now, about how you faced that problem in the past.
- AFTER: Then, you can share a story about how life is different now that you’ve overcome that problem.
- BRIDGE: In the end, you “bridge the gap” with the solution that helped you get from BEFORE to AFTER. This can be your product or a service, or simply a technique that you used that you’re sharing for free.
This one technique helped me with writing better emails, sales pages, and even helping out my friends in a couple of situations where I could see they needed help (like looking for a better job or starting their own business on the side).
It gave me a framework that I can use whenever I want to teach a lesson. It’s simple, and it works.
Over the next few years, I followed Derek’s advice mostly by reading his emails and watching his hilarious Youtube videos like this one:

You can check out the above video through this link
That didn’t mean I didn’t WANT to join his courses.
No, I’m not one of those cheap people who say “I’ll just read your free materials, why would I pay for a course?!”. I knew how valuable online courses can be, I knew that Derek likely creates amazing ones, and it was just a matter of time until I joined one.
Well, here we are. 3.5 years after hearing about Derek and seeing him speak at a conference, I bought and tested his my first course from him – Sales Page That Converts.
And it was so good I decided to write this review about it.
2. “What is Sales Page That Converts?”

Lern More About Sales Page That Converts
It’s a 4-week course that covers:
- WEEK 1: The research that you need to do in order to write a high-converting sales page, the target audience(s) for your sales page and your positioning for the sales page.
- WEEK 2: How to write the “hook” of your sales page and create an ultra-compelling “what to expect” section for your product or service. Plus how to write a persuasive guarantee.
- WEEK 3: How to write everything that’s missing (testimonials, product introduction, your big promise, etc.) – AND how to “assemble” all of your writing into a compelling sales page.
- WEEK 4: How to edit and refine your sales page, what to do if it doesn’t convert well, plus a few advanced strategies like creating an FAQ section for your sales page.
So yeah, pretty much everything that goes into writing a sales page for your product or a service.
3. How Sales Page That Converts works
Sales Page That Converts consists of a few key parts:
- 1. Weekly lessons
- 2. Step-by-step worksheets
- 3. Additional resources
- 4. 90-day email access to Sales Page Coaches
Let’s look over all of them in detail:
3.1. The weekly lessons
Each week, there’s 4-5 videos that guide you through each important set of building a high-converting sales page:

There’s plenty of online courses that leave a lot of room for “imagination” – but really just get their users stuck, not knowing what they should do next.
Sales Page That Converts isn’t one of those courses.
In 95% of the course, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do next (and I’ll talk about the 5% when you might get a little bit lost shortly).
3.2. The step-by-step worksheets
Derek achieves that by providing some of the most detailed and straightforward worksheets together with the course:

The worksheets from the course might just be the BEST part of this course.
Some of the worksheets are 20+ pages long, and they cover EVERYTHING You need to know to successfully create, assemble and refine your own sales page.
They reiterate on the concepts from the course and give you specific action steps to put the ideas into action:

3.3. Additional resources
Together with the worksheets, you’ll also get access to “additional resources” together with each module:

- Videos with responses to common questions you might have (like “How do I price my product or a service”, “How do I overcome writer’s block” or “How long should my sales page be”).
- PDFs with additional examples for writing compelling headlines, bullets, hooks, etc.
- HTML templates for your sales page (so you don’t need to design one yourself)
Here’s a snapshot from the “27 bullet point formulas” PDF:

I don’t think you NEED to go through all of them (it can be overwhelming to do that), but when you need them they’re there.
I personally didn’t use many of them as I’ve found the weekly lessons and worksheets more than good enough, but in the future I might take a look at them when I’m writing my next stales page.
3.4. 90-day Email Access to Sales Page Coaches
Together with Sales Page That Converts, you also get 90-days access to dedicated Sales Page Coaches (1 month for the duration of the course + 2 extra months after that).
The coaching is supposed to work via email and look something like this (per the Sales Page That Converts Sales Page).
You send a question to a coach via email:

- I didn’t feel a huge NEED to use coaching (as I’m not a beginner and I didn’t get stuck during the course all that much, plus the course is so good on it’s own that I don’t think that you necessarily need coaching together with it)
- As I was writing my sales page in the middle of the launch, I wanted to get feedback (1) from people I could trust (I had no idea who the “Sales Page Coaches” were), and (2) in the fastest possible way, so I reached out to my network instead.
- The idea of “email coaching” felt “meh” to me. It didn’t make much sense for me to use email coaching when I can just jump on a call with a professional copywriter who I already know.
Having said all of that, I probably have a lot more experience with writing sales pages than the typical student and I didn’t really have any basic questions – so if you’re working on launching your first product or a service and need to write a sales page for it, this would be perfect for you.
4. Why I joined Sales Page That Converts
I didn’t join Sales Page That Converts because I would have NO idea how to write a high-converting Sales Page.
When I joined the course a few months ago, I’ve already built a successful online business and launched multiple successful online products, and even had 5-figure product launches using the Zero to Launch Course.
In Zero to Launch, I’ve learned the basics of writing compelling sales pages, and that was “good enough” for a long time.
However, this January I decided that I’m going to launch my first $1,000 product, Ultimate Guide System.
Because this was the first $1,000 product that I was launching, I wanted to make sure I get EVERYTHING right.
If I was to develop the best online course in the world on creating Ultimate Guides, I needed an amazing sales page to resemble that and help me bring the right customers into my program.
While I knew about the basics of creating a sales page, that just wasn’t enough to do that.
I wanted to stop guessing what goes where, and if my introduction to the sales page was good enough or not.
I needed a system.
A system that would help me understand how to write the perfect sales page, step by step, and eliminates all the guesswork in the process.
Most importantly, I wanted to also understand the WHY behind each part of a successful sales page. I didn’t want to just put one together without knowing how to write better and better sales pages in the future.
I joined Sales Page That Converts because I felt like it would help me accomplish all of that.
There was finally a step-by-step system on creating a high-converting sales page from someone I admired, and there was no way I was going to miss out on it.
5. My results from using Sales Page That Converts: A $36,381 product launch
As I’ve mentioned before, I used Sales Page That Converts to write the sales page for my Ultimate Guide System product launch.
I ended up writing a 12,688 word sales page in a matter of weeks:

I sold 34 copies of it, and together with payment plans that boosted the revenues to $36,381, and made it my biggest launch to date:

For launching a $1k product for the first time without major testimonials or case studies, this was a huge success for me.
The sales page definitely contributed a lot to the success of the launch, and a lot of people messaged me that they loved it.
Even Derek thought I did a good job when I sent it to him (but also let me know there’s room for improvement later):

So let’s talk about that now :).
6. What it was like to write a sales page using Sales Page That Converts
I bought Sales Page That Converts in the beginning stages of planning my product launch, and actually didn’t go through it until a month after I purchased it.
During this time, all 4 modules of the course opened up, which was a great thing for me since I work on my business full time and wanted to speed through the course, rather than waiting for the additional modules to open up.
6.1. Module 1: The research

I had to do the research to have the foundation of a high-converting sales page, and then use the research to define my target audience(s) for my sales page, and the positioning.
The research part came pretty easy to me as that’s what I’ve already been doing for the last few months, so I already had an Evernote doc full of notes that I used to work through this module.
Using my research notes, I defined 3 specific audiences for my sales page, although I later ended up cutting 2 of them and focusing specifically on ONE audience (more on that in a second).
I also created the positioning for the product – who it was for, how it would help them, and how it was different from the competitors.
Derek calls this “the core promise”, which is the ultimate result that your product brings to your audience, and “the big difference”, which makes your product different from anything else out there.
So far so good. I breezed through the first module in a matter of days, and moved on to actually writing my sales page.
6.2. Module 2: This is where the real work begins

More specifically, how to connect your sales page to the universal desires like making more money or looking good naked.
I LOVED this part, and it might have been one of my favourite parts of Sales Page That Converts.
I heard the theory of universal desires many times in the past, but nobody has shown me how to use it in my sales page (and other content I write) like Derek did.
Derek’s advice helped me get crystal clear on what my audience actually wanted, and helped me talk to my audience about the things that they deeply cared about, which made the whole sales page a lot more compelling.
Again, I loved how Derek broke down the concept of universal desires into a step-by-step process that you can use. No more guesswork or “how do I do this exactly” :).
Once I finished connecting my sales page to universal desires, it was time to do some real work.
The next step was to write the “what to expect” section of my sales page, which is more or less an early version of a Table of Contents for my product.
The “what to expect” section included everything that my audience would get access to with my course.
As you can imagine, writing out EVERYTHING that a 10-week online course would include was A LOT of work.
It wasn’t hard or complicated or confusing work.
It was just working through the research notes and organising them into one epic table of contents (this is just 2 of the 10 weeks from the course):

I even double checked with Derek to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong, and he confirmed that this part is a “monstrous amount of work”:

Once the “what to expect” section was finished, I felt relieved.
I loved that I had a HUGE chunk of my sales page (which turned out to be 1/3 of my whole sales page) already written, and it definitely felt good to move to the next steps by already having something written (rather than starting to write a page from scratch).
One extra step I took here was to test my “what to expect” section with my target audience, to see how they liked it.
The response that I got was really good, with a lot of comments like these:

Next, it was time to write “the lead”, or the first section of my sales page.
This section helps you grab the attention of your audience, and it’s the first “creative” part of writing a sales page.
I wrote a few different versions of the lead based on what we covered in the course.
Here’s the first version:

To do that, I sent out the different versions of leads to my existing coaching clients and potential clients for my course, and asked them for feedback on it.
As I did that, I made some progress and things began to get clearer and clearer.
Still, something didn’t quite feel right. I didn’t have the amazing lead I was hoping for yet.
One Friday afternoon, I decided to jump on a call with a potential client of mine to help me nail down my lead.
We looked over the lead together and then worked on making it better.
After two hours, I finally had enough data to write the lead that I was really happy with:

With this section, I needed to get creative and find a narrative that would “hook” my audience, so I spent another few days to get it right.
Once I was finally happy with it, I moved onwards to the last part of Module 2 – the “persuasive guarantee”.
Compared to writing the table of contents and the lead for the sales page, this was a walk in the park.
Derek did a great job explaining different kinds of guarantees and helped me create my own unique guarantee that would be perfect for my product and my audience.
I had a great guarantee written in less than half an hour:

By this point, my sales page already had a compelling “what to expect” section, “the lead” that would hook my audience, and the “persuasive guarantee” that would remove the risk from buying my product and help me generate more sales.
It was time to move on to Module 3.
6.3. Module 3: Where it all came together

First, Derek talked about “the 5 building blocks of a sales page that converts”, where he explained all the elements that go into a high-converting sales page.
Then, it was time to actually write all of the “building blocks” of the sales page: “your big and believable promise”, “undeniable proof & product introduction” and “your irresistible offer”.
Some of these were a lot easier to write than others.
The product introduction, the irresistible offer and the undeniable proof sections were fairly straightforward to me.
The “big and believable promise” was another story though.
This part was all about taking “the lead” (which I already had written from Module 2) and building it out into a compelling narrative that would get my audience hooked at the beginning of my sales page and have them read all the way through it.
I’ve spent the whole weekend (writing and rewriting from when I woke up until I went to sleep) working on this part, and asked my friends for a lot of feedback and help to make sure I got it right.
There were numerous times when I wrote something that I felt was good, but in the end just didn’t flow well – so I threw it all away and started from scratch.
Still, slowly but surely, with every “shitty” version of my sales page, I was closer and closer to having a good version of one.
After a few days of writing and rewriting like crazy, I finally had the building blocks that were “good enough” to assemble into a sales page.
I watched Derek’s video on “How to assemble your sales page”, and combined all of the blocks into something that began to resemble a finish sales page.
6.4. Module 4: The finishing touches

In the last module, Derek shared with us his 3-step editing process, which I loved.
It was a pretty straightforward process, and turned this big black box of “editing” into a straightforward process, which was just a matter of doing the work.
This part was pretty easy, but I will admit that I managed to overcomplicate it a little bit.
For whatever reason I decided to make sure every single sentence on my sales page was really short, which took a whole day to do, only to find out that my sales page now sounded a bit robotic.
I had to back and undo some of the edits I just did, which was a painful and annoying process, but a good lesson for the future.
Other than that small hiccup, I breezed through the editing process and my sales page already looked like something I was happy to share with my audience.
The only thing I did after the editing was to write the last section of the sales page (that Derek talks about in the “advanced sales page tactics” video). I chose just one of the tactics he shared, “the wake up call”:

Overall, I felt that the course was incredibly well made (which is why I wrote this review). It was super straightforward and hard to “mess up”. Even though I had a few minor hiccups that prolonged the process of writing the sales page for a few days, it’s still the best course on creating sales pages that I’ve ever seen, and I’m excited to use the framework from it in the future.
7. My 3 biggest lessons from Sales Page That Converts
I took a ton out of Sales Page That Converts, and just after one product launch, the course has already paid for itself multiple times over.
I learned a lot of great things from the course, and today I want to share my top 3 lessons from it with you.
7.1. Lesson #1: Sales pages are assembled, not written
I’m a huge systems and processes person.
When I see something that’s broken down into a step-by-step process, I immediately “get it”.
When I see something that’s not broken down into a step-by-step process yet, I try to do it myself (this is true for a lot of the things I share on my blog).
When I see something that’s not broken down into a step-by-step process that I don’t understand, I get frustrated.
The latter was my experience with writing sales pages in the past.
I was always frustrated because no online expert that I followed ever took the time to break down the sales page writing process into small, actionable steps – and explained WHY we are doing each of the steps.
So when Derek shared in Module 3 that sales pages are “assembled, not written”, I thought to myself “FINALLY!”.
This was one of the most valuable aspects of the course for me.
Now I no longer need to dread writing a sales page and think about whether I’m doing it right or not, because all I need to do is write all the different parts of a sales page, assemble them into a compelling sales page, make sure it makes sense, then edit it.
Whenever I want to write a new sales page in the future, I won’t need to worry about whether I’m “doing it right”. I can just go through the process and KNOW that my sales page will likely convert very well.
7.2. Lesson #2: Pick just ONE audience for your sales page to make everything 100x easier
When I originally went through the Module 1 of Sales Page That Converts, I outlined 3 different audiences for my course:
- AUDIENCE #1: Online Business Owners Who Want To Grow Their List To Be Able to Launch Their First Product / Service: Starting out in their online business (0-500 subscribers), want to someday launch an online product or a service
- AUDIENCE #2: Online Business Owners Who Have Already Launched Their First Product OR Service And Want To Sell More Of It: Have a moderately successful business, 1,000-5,000 email subscribers, launched their first product, want to grow it AND establish themselves as an authority in their niche.
- AUDIENCE #3: Have Successfully Sold An Online Product / Service For Years, Have a Large Following, Want to Attract Even More High Quality Customers Into Their Funnels: Have a wildly product or a service that already sells well, or multiple ones, want to drive a lot more traffic to it, get more customers, typically through one of the team members.
But as I’ve started working on my sales page, I soon realized that I was making my life a lot harder than I thought it would be.
It felt impossible to write an engaging opening of the sales page that would be compelling to ALL of these audiences that wasn’t completely generalized (this is why I got stuck for a few days in module 3).
Something that would appeal to someone who doesn’t have an online product to sell yet wouldn’t appeal to someone who already has an established 6-figure business.
I reached out to Derek to talk to him about my issue, and his response was simple but incredibly eye opening:

I decided that 95% of my sales page would be geared towards that ONE audience (Audience #1), and everything instantly became so much easier. I no longer had to please everyone, I just had to connect with the one audience that was the most likely to buy my product.
The only part where I mentioned the 3 different audiences was in the “Who is my course right for?” section:

7.3. Lesson #3: Editing is a 3-step process (and it’s easier than I thought).
In the past, I never really understood how “editing” a sales page was supposed to work or help me get more sales.
I was never a huge fan of spending hours and hours on making the sentences flow just a little bit nicer – because I didn’t think it would make a difference in sales at the end of the day – so I never spent much time on it.
I loved that Derek broke down the editing process into 3 clear steps – and that what I thought was editing was actually just one small part of it.
The other two parts of the editing were something I never thought of myself, and made my sales page so much better.
Also, instead of endlessly editing my sales page, all I needed to do was read through my sales page 3 times and ask myself the questions that Derek told us to ask ourselves – and the editing was done.
I felt like a lot of the course was similar to this experience. So many things that were confusing to me in the past became simple and crystal clear once I went through it.
8. How my life and business is different after going through Sales Page That Converts
As I’ve mentioned before, just writing one sales page and doing one product launch has made Sales Page That Converts worth the investment multiple times over.
But I know that the $36,381 that I earned from that product launch was just the beginning.
Now that I have a sales page that converts well, I can reuse it and improve it with my future product launches, and I’m not even doubting that this sales page will help me make multiple six figures over the next few years. It’s just a matter of driving more traffic to it.
Not only do I have one high-converting sales page, I also know EXACTLY what to do to write my next sales page in half the time using the framework that I’ve learned from Derek.
Most importantly, I feel confident that I can write more high-converting sales pages in the future – whether they’re sales pages for $200 products, $1,000 products or $3,000 products.
I’ve learned the SKILL of writing high converting sales pages, so I know exactly what to do with each new product I create in the future to make sure it brings in plenty of new paying customers.
9. How long does it take to go through Sales Page That Converts?
It took me 2 weeks to go through the whole course – from starting the course to having a live sales page.
This was for a 12,688 word sales page for a $1,000, 10-week product (and you probably don’t need to write such a long sales page if you’re not selling such an extensive product).
I didn’t work on my sales page ALL the time, especially in the first week – as I was also working on sales emails, finishing my Ultimate Guide Checklist that I used as a part of the launch, and the day-to-day emails and client work.
It was during the last week or so when I spent most of my days writing, and only on the last weekend before the launch I really “buckled down” and worked all day long, from waking up to going to sleep.
I’m pretty confident that if you go through the course, even if you have just 1-2 hours a day to work on your business, you can have the sales page finished within a month or so (which is as long as the course lasts).
Especially if you’re selling a lower priced product, your sales page won’t be as extensive and as complicated as mine, and you’ll be able to move through all parts of it a lot faster.
10. My biggest challenges with Sales Page That Converts (and how I overcame them)
As you would expect with every online course that you take, there were some parts that were challenging where I got a bit stuck.
10.1. Challenge #1: Not knowing if my writing is good or not
The first thing that happened pretty quickly was not knowing if my building blocks (the table of contents, the lead, etc.) were compelling enough.
I also had a few situations where I wrote a few different leads and headlines and didn’t quite know which one was right.
The way I worked through that was by asking for feedback on my writing, rather than being stuck in my head.
I messaged some of my 1on1 clients on Facebook:

Asking for feedback helped me see which parts of the sales page were good and which needed work, and also get some ideas when I got stuck and didn’t quite know what to do next.
10.2. Challenge #2: I had to “kill my baby” multiple times.
I’m known for writing pretty long content (you’ve probably figured that out by now, since we’re 5,500+ words into this review), which is great for creating Ultimate Guides and EPIC sales and engagement emails…
But it’s not so great for writing a compelling sales page.
With a sales page, you really need to keep the attention of your readers from start to finish, and you don’t want to bore them or lose them along the way.
This became an issue when I wrote the “common myths” section of my sales page:

There’s this concept that Derek talks about in the course about “not being afraid to kill your baby”, which means that you have to be ok with throwing away the work that you’ve already written.
I had to do this multiple times during the course and while it didn’t feel good to delete what I was just writing for 4 hours, it was the right thing to do – and slowly but surely I started writing less and less shitty stuff and more and more good stuff.
I have a feeling that this will keep happening in the future sales pages that I’ll write, so I might as well get used to it sooner rather than later :).
10.3. Challenge #3: Writing got REALLY tough towards the end
The first week of working on my sales page was relatively easy as I also worked on writing engagement emails, adding value to my audience, and I had a lot of client work to take care of.
During the second week, I spent 90% of my days just working on my sales page, and that’s when it got really tough.
There’s only so much time I could spend writing high quality content each day, and after a certain time I started to develop brain fog and it was hard to get anything really great on paper.
But when it was 6pm, and I’ve just deleted most of what I’ve written that day, the last thing I wanted to do was to stop working and feel like I’ve accomplished nothing all day long.
I also didn’t want to spend another 3 weeks writing a sales page. I knew I was close, but I needed to get it right, and not just publish a sub-par sales page.
That’s why, for the last few days, I decided to “push through it” and keep writing even when I was completely drained (which I don’t usually do unless I have a tight deadline coming up).
I knew I wouldn’t write anything GREAT in those last few hours, but I also knew that I didn’t want to wake up next morning feeling like I’m starting from scratch.
I buckled down and kept writing – some of the writing was good, and some was not so good.
Then, next morning when I woke up fresh, I at least felt like I had something to work with, rather than starting at a blank page.
I could spend 30 minutes working through what I wrote last evening, make it a lot better, and move on.
This helped me keep the momentum and finish the sales page without feeling frustrated by the lack of progress.
It was tough, but at the end of the day well worth it, and it probably helped me write the sales page at least a few days to a week earlier.
11. Who do I think Sales Page That Converts is right for?
I think Sales Page That Converts is an incredibly valuable course, and anyone that uses sales pages to sell their products or services can greatly benefit from it.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a sales page before or if you’ve written a handful of them (like I did), you’ll be able to improve your existing sales pages and write even better converting sales pages for all the future products and services that you create.
One thing that I didn’t mention yet (but is super cool) is that Derek does a REALLY good job of helping you create 3 distinct types of sales pages in the course:
- Sales pages for online informational products (like online courses)
- Sales pages for services (like freelance work or coaching)
- Sales pages for products (like software products or even physical ones)
The way Derek does that is by providing examples throughout the course for EACH of these different types of sales pages, both in videos (here he talks about an example of selling a bag on Kickstarter):

And so can you – it doesn’t matter what you’re selling – if you use or want to use sales pages to sell more of your products or services, then Sales Page That Converts is perfect for you.
12. My honest opinion about Sales Page That Converts
Below are my final thoughts about the course after going through it.
12.1. What I loved about Sales Page That Converts
I loved that Sales Page That Converts is a step-by-step SYSTEM that you can use to write high-converting sales pages.
If you follow the system step by step, it’s pretty damn hard to write a sales page that will NOT convert well if you have a great product or a service that you’re or planning on selling.
I also love that the course eliminates all the guesswork through the incredibly detailed step-by-step worksheets that are filled with examples that make it impossible for you to misunderstand the course materials.
That’s different from some copywriting courses out there that technically teach you how to write better copy, but don’t really teach you how to write a sales page from start to finish (which can be really frustrating).
I also love that the course WORKS (as I’ve tested it and successfully created a sales page that brought in $36,381 during the first launch of a new product).
12.2. What I think could be improved about Sales Page That Converts
There’s definitely a handful of things that could be better about the course, although these are minor details that can easily be fixed / aren’t that important to your success.
First, I think that there could be a community for the course. I’m sure a lot of people are working through Sales Page That Converts but there’s no real way of connecting with other students (that I know of), which kind of sucks.
If you’re the type of person that likes to be supported and hand-held through the whole process of creating a sales page, you can still take advantage of the “sales page coaches” feature (and let me know how it goes if you do!), so you should still be taken care of – but I would still love to see a community in there some day.
The second thing which could be better was if there was an explanation of how to write a sales page that appeals well to multiple different audiences (like I wanted to originally). I know there’s a way of doing that and I’ve seen Derek do it in the past, but I also understand it’s an advanced strategy that might be overwhelming for most people. It would still be cool to learn more about it in the future though.
The last part I thought could be executed better was the “sales page templates” feature.
Together with Sales Page That Converts, you can get access to different templates for different kinds of sales pages, that look something like this (this is just a quick snapshot):

Unfortunately, the templates seemed pretty hard to edit (as you would have to manually copy paste each part of your sales page in there using a coding program), and the instructions for use were very quick (there was a 5-minute video explaining how to use them, but that’s about it).
This means that if you’re not very tech savvy, you would spend a lot of time figuring out how to actually host the sales page on your website, which is not ideal, and could easily be fixed with a few extra tutorials on how to do that, which I hope will be implemented in the future version of the course.
Because I didn’t feel like manually copy pasting a 12,000+ word sales page into the template, I didn’t end up using this feature, although if you had a shorter sales page or a lot of time on your hands, this could still work for you well.
Overall the downsides of the program are really minor, and they could all be resolved in the future with a little bit of extra effort, and they don’t make the course any worse – I’ve found it incredibly valuable despite these small areas of potential improvement.
12.3. Would I recommend you to join Sales Page That Converts?
The answer to this is a wholehearted YES.
I would definitely recommend anyone who wants to create high converting sales pages for their product or service to join Sales Page That Converts.
By writing a really great sales page, you’ll be driving more sales to your business for years to come, and the course will pay for itself multiple times.
It’s a no brainer.
If you’re interested in joining Sales Page That Converts, you can learn more about it here.
Again, there’s no affiliate links in this post and I don’t earn a cent by writing this review – I just wrote it because I think it’s an awesome course that more people should know about :).
13. The secrets behind how I successfully created a $36,318 sales page using Sales Page That Converts in under two weeks
One last thing before you go.
With Derek’s Sales Page That Converts, you will get all the knowledge that you need to create a high converting sales page.
But at the end of the day, YOU are still the person who will need to put in the work.
There’re some students who take courses like this but never follow through, and then there’s others who breeze through them and implement them in their business in a matter of WEEKS (and I was one of them).
So what separates the successful students from less successful ones?
I figured it out FOR you.
Over the last few years, I have coached 800+ of online business course students, and I’ve talked to many other success stories and star students from online courses like Sales Page That Converts.
I realized that there are 8 key strategies that star students use that others don’t. These strategies can be learned by anyone (hundreds of my readers have already successfully used them to make faster progress in their businesses), and you can use them to go through Sales Page That Converts in half the time as well.
These are also the exact strategies that I used to go through Sales Page That Converts in under two weeks and write my $36,381 sales page.
I combined all of these strategies into a step-by-step system that you can use to become a star student in Sales Page That Converts.
I have put this 8-step system into a 21-page Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Star Student in Online Business Courses, and I want to give this guide to you for FREE, so you can go through Sales Page That Converts in half the time:

Just click the button below, and you will get the guide delivered to your inbox!
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Hello Primoz, thanks for the great info. I have been online failing for the last 12 years. I spend lots of money, I am at a point I can never feel I can succeed. Thanks. I had never got one subscriber. Any ideas? I want to teach beginners how to build a WordPress Website. I created http://WWW.CreateYourWebsite101.com and I can never get one lead. I know web design is too crowded. Do you think Sales Pages that convert will help with the site, or is it my idea which is bad. I can use WordPress well, but I am not a programmer or graphic designer.
Hey George, if you’re having trouble traffic to your website or getting email subscribers, I would recommend you to check out Zero to Launch instead of SPTC.
If you don’t know if your business idea is good or not or you have a hard time getting traffic / subscribers, it will be even harder to sell something – so it doesn’t make sense to work on a sales page now. What you need to do is analyze your business idea and create a strategic plan for getting traffic and subscribers first – once you have that set up and you have at least a few hundred email subscribers, move on to selling :).
Great, thanks for the valuable info and advise. I am getting traffic about 60-70 everyday.
But, getting subscribers is the problem. I like the idea of the ZTL and your experience. But, I don’t need to learn everything from scratch. All what I need is how to find the business idea, and I can’t find it without audience.
It is like the chicken and egg dilemma.
But honestly, yourself and Derek gave me the best advises. The rest of gurus are good, but they don’t give any secrets like you both did.
Thanks again for your insight, I will keep visiting your website because I enjoyed your post. Now, I guess I have to figure out a profitable idea.
George k Chamoun
Dear Primoz,
It’s pretty amazing to read your thoughts and the advice you shared via Derek’s experiences. That’s cool man!
These sure are a great way to double subscribers counts and get enough folks to your website, even those who will be willing to pay you.
I am sure I can make use one, two or more from the points you have so well shared here.
Do have a fantastic time over there my friend. 🙂
Hi Primoz,
this post is fantastic. Exactly what I was looking for, wondering myself what to REALLY expect from Derek’s course. So thank you, your hard work is much appreciated.
I have one question however and it will be even more useful for me if you can answer : how long is a video ? do I expect an hour course for each video or 5 minutes ? 1 hour video for each module or 5 hours for each ? I think you understand my question, so I stop here.
With all my genuine gratitude,
Hey Mira! I’m glad you enjoyed the post :).
The videos are around 15-20min long on average, so it’s maybe 1-1.5h/module of videos to watch.
I hope that helps!