A few weeks ago, Ramit Sethi released his new e-book called “Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building a Business.”
Since he published it, the book has become a huge success.
Tens of thousands of people have bought the book. It hit the #1 best seller in many categories on Amazon. It got hundreds of raving reviews:
It even hit the #1 place of non-fiction books on Wall Street Journal:
I’ve read the book an it’s phenomenal. It’s easily the best e-book you’ll ever find for $3.65 online. If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you pick up your copy!
So what do I love about the e-book most?
Surprisingly, it’s not that my story is mentioned in it (even though that’s REALLY cool).
What I love about it the most is that it’s not just an e-book… It’s an undercover Ultimate Guide that’s marketed as an e-book.
It’s not called an Ultimate Guide, but an “Underdog’s Guide”, but that’s ok – not all Ultimate Guides actually have “Ultimate Guide” in the name.
You have Ultimate Guides that are called “Beginner’s Guides”, “Essential Guides”, “Complete Guides”, “Advanced Guides”, “Parent’s Guides”, and so on and so on.
The name doesn’t matter as much as what an Ultimate Guide actually is – the most detailed piece of content on the internet on a specific topic (that usually comes with plenty of stories, examples, and a table of contents).
And that’s exactly what Ramit’s new e-book is. It’s by far the best, most comprehensive and detailed piece of content out there for underdogs who want to build a business.
It’s not a book as there’s no publisher or a physical copy. It also didn’t take Ramit years to create like his first book – it was completed in months instead.
Why did Ramit publish his e-book on Amazon instead of his blog?
It’s interesting that the guide was published on Amazon rather than on the website – and Ramit explained his decision in one of the emails to his readers.
He essentially said that he didn’t just want to rely on Google to drive more traffic to his website and that he wanted to get more readers through Amazon, which was an untapped market for him.
I think that at his stage of the business, with a huge audience that he’s already built, that absolutely makes sense. He can use the existing audience to get the 124 incredible reviews and propel the guide to the #1 spot on Amazon where it will stay for years to come. It also makes sense as he’s already getting a ton of traffic from Google and other sources.
Would I publish an Ultimate Guide on Amazon rather than on your own website when just starting out and don’t have a big audience?
Probably not, at least not exclusively. It’s unlikely you’d be able to replicate Ramit’s results when starting out.
Instead I would start with publishing it on your website, and THEN if your guide becomes a huge success you can think about putting it on Amazon as well, to create another stream of traffic to your website through it.
That’s actually something we’ll look into with some of our Ultimate Guide System students that have written 25,000+ world Ultimate Guides… As they are essentially small books already, and republishing them on Amazon might be a great way to spread the word about them.
That’s the beauty of creating an incredible piece of content like an Ultimate Guide.
Once you write a piece of content that’s 10x better than anything else out there on the topic you’re writing about, you can use it in many different ways to grow your online business:
- You can publish it on your blog and bring more traffic to your website for years to come
- You can use a PDF of it as a free gift for your email subscribers, and convert more of your new and existing readers into raving fans
- You can use an Ultimate Guide to kick off your product launch, establish yourself as the go-to expert on the topic you’re talking about, add massive value to your existing readers and boost your launch revenues
Or, you can even republish it on Amazon, create an audiobook out of it… There’re endless options in which you can use an Ultimate Guide to grow your online business.
A lot of online business experts know how powerful Ultimate Guides are, which is why many of them create them.
For example, Ramit has written Ultimate Guides about social skills, starting an online business, finding a profitable business idea, creating remarkable content, personal finance and others:
And as he says himself, “this is hands-down the most popular content on his website”.
Ramit isn’t the only online business expert that understands the value of Ultimate Guides.
Selena Soo has written an Ultimate Guide to Meeting People at Events which she used to kick off her INFLUENCE product launch:
Her guide got featured in Business Insider (3 times!), Inc magazine, Huffington Post and I Will Teach You to be Rich which helped her reach hundreds of thousands of new readers and bring in thousands of high quality email subscribers.
Selena shared her whole story of:
- Why and how she created her Ultimate Guide
- How she used it to bring in thousands of high quality email subscribers
- Why she things Ultimate Guides are one of the best ways to start an online business
In this interview we did together:
You can watch the whole interview here.
Another example of an expert using an Ultimate Guide to grow their online business is Bushra Azshar from The Persuasion Revolution.
Bushra rapidly built a 7-figure online business over the last few years, and recently created her Ultimate Guide to Persuasion:
She’s using her Ultimate Guide all over her website to capture more email subscribers (and blow them away once they sign up for it), and sell more of her Mass Persuasion Method program.
If you ever even remotely looked into SEO to grow your online business, you’ve probably heard about Neil Patel.
Neil is considered one of the top SEO experts out there (and he consistently gets well over 100,000 visits to his website), and that’s not an accident.
Neil has created his own library of 12 Ultimate Guides on his Quick Sprout blog that established him as the go-to expert on SEO and more or less everything related to it:
Whenever I want to look something up regarding SEO, his guides are the first place I look at. And whenever someone asks me about SEO, his guides are the first thing I point them to.
Neil was actually the person that made writing detailed guides popular back in 2014. In the past he wrote about why created 10+ Ultimate Guides and how he got 361,494+ visitors and 8,421 email opt-ins with one Ultimate Guide.
He also wrote this EPIC data-driven post about why 3,000+ word blog posts get more traffic than shorter ones. If you want to learn more about WHY Ultimate Guides rank really high on Google and take off, I’d definitely read that post.
Now I might not necessarily agree with everything that Neil shares about sharing Ultimate Guides. I don’t think you should blow $5k-$20k on a design of an Ultimate Guide when just starting out. I don’t think you should ask people to share your guides before you’ve built a solid relationship with them (and even then it might come off as needy).
I know that creating Ultimate Guides is about a lot more than just numbers and SEO, although that is a part of it (we talk more about how to create incredible Ultimate Guides in Ultimate Guide System that’s opening soon).
The point is – Ultimate Guides work. And they work REALLY well. How often do you see someone say that they got 361,494 visitors or 8,421 email subscribers from ONE post on their website? Pretty much never.
So far we’ve only talked about online business experts that create Ultimate Guides. But they aren’t the only people creating them and reaping the benefits of them.
Software companies use Ultimate Guides to sell more of their software.
Leadpages (one of the leading companies that offers landing pages whose software I personally use as well) recently wrote the Ultimate Guide to Landing Pages:
I absolutely love their guide and there’s many innovative techniques they used to create it that we break down in the Ultimate Guide System.
Their Ultimate Guide is ranking as the #1 result on Google for “Landing pages guide” and makes it to the first page of google for searches like “landing pages” or “how to create landing pages”:
In such a competitive field as landing pages, that’s pretty awesome. I’ve also heard that Leadpages is working on their next Ultimate Guide already, which just goes to show how valuable Ultimate Guides can be, even for software companies.
Another software company that uses Ultimate Guides to bring in more sales for their business is called Zapier. If you haven’t heard of it yet, Zapier helps you connect different apps (like gmail and Evernote) and automate your every day tasks to make your life a lot easier and save you a ton of time.
Zapier has written tens of different Ultimate guides, covering topics from using Google Sheets to Customer Support to eCommerce:
And of course, many of these rank as the #1 result on google for their topic:
What Zapier is doing here is super smart. They’re taking different audiences (like the customer support people) and different tools (like Google Sheets) that Zapier works well with, and writing the best pieces of content on the internet around them.
As the readers read their Ultimate Guides, they constantly see different case studies, ways in which Zapier makes their work easier, and so on – and they see signing up to Zapier as the next step after reading the guide. Brilliant.
Now you might be wondering… What if I’m not an online business expert or a big software company? Can I still use Ultimate Guides to grow my online business?
I’m so glad you asked. The answer is HELL YES. In fact, Ultimate Guides are ESPECIALLY useful for you if you’re not an established expert in your niche as they are the best way to become one.
So let’s look at some examples of how new business owners just like you used Ultimate Guides to make a name out of themselves and kick-started their online businesses.
First, there’s Peter Nguyen from Essential Man. Peter used to work as a leather jacket designer and wanted to build an online business around helping successful men dress better (or, as he would say it, look really f*cking good).
He wrote Ultimate Guides about things like buying a leather jacket, a beginner’s style guide, a summer style guide and others to jump start his online business:
The result? Peter built a following of thousands of email subscribers, doubled his traffic with Ultimate Guides, and created a consistent stream of sales for his Essential Wardrobe online course.
A few years ago, nobody knew about Peter. Now even Ramit Sethi is linking to his website when his students ask him what to wear to his events!
How powerful is that? How would YOU feel if an expert like Ramit endorsed your website?
I actually love Peter’s story so much that I asked him how he writes 1-2 of his Ultimate Guides / months, and he’ll be sharing all of his systems, strategies and results with you guys very soon – so stay tuned!
Then we have Ultimate Guide System student Nick who is rapidly establishing as the go-to expert on Facebook advertising for fitness & yoga studies with his Ultimate Guides.
He just published his Complete Beginner’s Guide to Monetizing Facebook Live For Your Fitness or Yoga Business:
Nick has been absolutely crushing it with his Ultimate Guide.
When he was just doing the research for his guide within the first few weeks of joining Ultimate Guide System, he scored two 1-on-1 coaching clients:
But when he released his guide, opportunities just started flying his way.
First, a major software company saw his Ultimate Guide and wanted to feature him as an expert in their upcoming Ultimate Guide:
First, he got a POTENTIAL JOB OFFER because of his Ultimate Guide:
How crazy is THAT?
And it was just the tip of the iceberg.
Shortly, Nick told me that a few of his 7-figure heroes opted into his email list:
And another person reached out to Nick for 1-on-1 consulting:
And did I mention that this guide was Nick’s FIRST post on his website? He got all of those opportunities WITHOUT having a following beforehand. And now he’s already working on his second Ultimate Guide.
I’ll write more about Nick’s story and how he developed his Ultimate Guide over the next few days too – so you’ll be able to hear all the juicy details of it.
Next up we have another Ultimate Guide System student Diana, who helps online entrepreneurs create and manage profitable online communities.
She just published her Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Online Community From Scratch:
Diana’s guide is one of the best and most detailed guides I’ve ever read. She worked her ass putting it together, and it shows.
Like Nick, this is Diana’s first post on her new website, and she already got 40 email subscribers within the first week (and she’s just getting started with spreading the word about it).
Selena Soo loved Diana’s guide so much that she shared it with her audience:
She’s getting raving emails from her email subscribers about her guide:
And even the top experts in the industry are now reaching out to her to get feedback on their communities.
Before she worked on her Ultimate Guide, not many people considered the go-to expert on creating profitable online communities – but over the next few months and years they definitely will.
And as you might have guessed, I’ll also be sharing Diana’s story (plus a few other stories) of how she wrote her guide with you over the next few days.
There’s also other Ultimate Guides that my readers and clients have written that you can check out, about a variety of different topics:
- Allon wrote The Ultimate Guide to High Performance
- Frank wrote The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants
- Matej wrote The Ultimate Guide about How to Find More Time and Energy to Start an Online Business
- Camille wrote The Ultimate Guide to Getting a Date Without Going Online
- Leslie wrote The Asian Inspired Ultimate Guide to NATURALLY Losing 30 Pounds For Busy, Ambitious Workaholics
Some of these guides helped my readers get hundreds of email subscribers, others helped them get new paying clients, and all of them helped them get a consistent stream of new high quality readers to their websites.
And we have plenty of new Ultimate Guides in the works – from guides about traveling, to songwriting, to teaching your kids about money.
As you can see, a lot of people see that there’s a huge opportunity in creating Ultimate Guides.
From top experts to software companies to driven entrepreneurs who want to make a name out of themselves and get their online businesses off the ground.
So WHY do they do it?
There’re many ways in which you can use Ultimate Guides to grow your online business (I cover 9 of them in my Ultimate Guide Checklist, and I’ll share more of them in the near future).
But the MOST important reason for creating Ultimate Guides is simple.
Ultimate Guides are the best and fastest way to establish yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.
If you write an Ultimate Guide for your audience that’s 10x better than any other resource out there on the same topic, then your Ultimate Guide becomes the go-to resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the topic.
And when you create something that’s 10x better than anything else out there, people notice that. They’ll notice you. They’ll read whatever you write for them. They’ll help you spread the word about it. They’ll want to talk to you, connect with you and work with you.
Ultimate Guides are your opportunity to stand out in a crowded market (like Peter did in the style world), transition into a new niche (like Diana did – she was in a completely different niche before), or even get your online business off the ground (like Nick did).
Once you create content that’s 10x better than anything else out there, you’ll automatically be different than anyone else.
You won’t need to worry about a crowded market, you’ll actually be able to use it to your advantage and bring in all the people that are interested in your topic.
It’s hard to do that with regular blog posts or an occasional guest post. There’s far too many of those out there nowadays, and it feels like everyone can have a blog nowadays given how easy it is to start one.
But I bet that very few people are creating REALLY good content like Ultimate Guides in your niche, and this is your opportunity to make a name out of yourself and become an industry leader.
As you do that, the rest will come:
- You’ll have more and more website visitors (like Peter who doubled his traffic by writing less blog posts and more Ultimate Guides)
- You’ll be able to grow your email list (like Neil who got 8,421 email subscribers from one guide)
- You’ll be able to get your first few paying clients (like Nick who got 3 paying clients and a job offer with his guide)
And the best part? You’ll be able to grow your online business with Ultimate Guides over and over again.
Remember how Ramit, Neil, Peter and Zapier wrote multiple (often 10+) Ultimate Guides to continue growing their online businesses?
You can do the exact same thing.
You don’t have to worry about regular blog posts, guest posting, Facebook ads, SEO, Facebook challenges, and other tactics to grow your online business.
You can pursue them if you want to of course… But you know you won’t NEED them to grow your online business.
You can just create more Ultimate Guides down the line, and you’ll KNOW that with each Ultimate Guide you publish, your business will grow more and more – for years to come.
And the thing is, while anyone can write blog posts or use Facebook ads for their business, not anyone can, wants to, or is willing to write Ultimate Guides.
The barrier to entry with them is way higher, as they require weeks (and sometimes months) of work to complete.
There will always only be a few people in each industry who are willing to put in the work to make them come to life, and reap the benefits of them. And you can be one of those people.
Get started with creating your first Ultimate Guide TODAY
If you want to start working on your first Ultimate Guide, I invite you to check out my FREE 13,000+ word Ultimate Guide Checklist to get started.
It’s by far the BEST, most comprehensive and detailed FREE resource you’ll find online on creating Ultimate Guides.
Here’s what you’ll learn in it:
- The biggest mistakes people make when creating Ultimate Guides (and how to avoid them)
- 9 Ways in which you can use Ultimate Guides to grow your online business (whether you’re an established business owner or just starting out)
- My never-before-seen checklist for creating Ultimate Guides (with real life examples and secrets I’ve discovered over 5+ years of creating them)
…and a lot more.
I’ll also be releasing another awesome resource to my email subscribers shortly that will make writing Ultimate Guides easier than ever before – and to make sure you get an email with it too, make sure you get your free copy of the Ultimate Guide Checklist.