December 16th was my last day of working with Ramit Sethi at IWT as the Accelerator online business coach. It’s been an absolutely incredible two years of working with 800+ of his best Zero to Launch and Call to Action students and teaching them how to build and grow their own online businesses.
I’ll write more about that experience shortly in an epic post, but today I wanted to let you know about what’s coming next for me (and what you can expect to learn from me in 2017).
Now that I’ve stopped doing online business coaching, I’m going to go back to running my own online business at skyrocketyourproductivity.com full time.
It’s a scary thing to do, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m a little bit nervous about it.
In many ways, it’s easier to just work with someone else and show up for the weekly coaching calls and meetings than to work on your own business with no-one to kick you in the ass (although I know that’s not entirely true as I have a ton of AMAZING friends that I know will love being a part of my new journey).
On the other hand, I’m SO ready to do this, and I’m beyond excited for a new chapter of my own business, because it means that I can do whatever I want to do, write about whatever I want to write about, and work with the ambitious entrepreneurs who I’ve been dying to give more attention to :).
I’ve learned a TON about running an online business by working with Ramit behind the scenes, and I know that doing that was a once in a lifetime opportunity to refine my business skills and create something HUGE that will positively impact lives of millions of people.
So without further ado, let’s talk about what’s coming next!
The #1 theme for my online business in 2017
I’ve spent the last few months thinking hard about what I wanted to do next. I’ve had a lot of moments where I either wasn’t sure what to do next, and also moments when I wanted to do EVERYTHING at once.
What became clearer and clearer to me was that I wanted to talk about the following three topics:
#1 – Being a top performer
One of the things that I love doing the most is talking about being a top performer, and talking to other top performers about it.
Over the last few years, I’ve realized that being a top performer isn’t just about being productive and proactive and getting sh*t done.
There’s so much more about it than that that no-one really talks about, and there’s a lot of challenges that come up as you “become a top performer” that nobody addresses.
That’s why I’m in the process of writing my Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Top Performer (that a lot of you already know about), which is going to be EPIC, and I can’t wait to finish – but this won’t be the main theme of my online business for the next year.
What I WILL do is write the Ultimate Guide, send out a few emails about it now and then, and record a few videos for my YouTube channel where I’ll answer some of the questions that you guys send me as responses to my emails. I’m also planning on recording a few vlogs during my travels just for the fun of it :).

To stay up to date with my new videos, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel
#2 – How to get the most out of conferences
I’ve launched my Insider’s Club course in August, and worked with a few really incredible individuals to help them prepare for a conference that they were attending.
They were so happy with the course that they recorded a testimonial for the course right after the event!

You can check out the full video here!
And before that, The Ultimate Guide to Attending Conferences will be written… :).
#3 – Creating EPIC guides
As you might have noticed by following me over the last few months / years, I spend a lot of time in my business creating really EPIC guides.
Here’s just a few guides I’ve written for my site in the past (that you can get access to for FREE via the links below):
- The Ultimate Guide to Creating Bulletproof Habits: This guide will show you how to create ANY habit and actually make it stick.
- The Quick Guide to Surrounding Yourself with Successful People: This guide will give you the exact strategies and scripts you need to connect and build relationships with influencers and other people like you.
- The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Star Student in Online Business Courses: In this guide, I share the exact strategies that star students in online business courses use to grow their businesses 10x faster than everyone else.
I’ve realized that creating EPIC content is something that I absolutely love doing, and they’ve brought in tens of thousands of views and thousands of e-mail subscribers for my business, plus I know you guys love these guides so I’m planning on creating more of them in the near future.
I also realized that I LOVE working with other up-and-coming entrepreneurs and helping them create their own epic guides. It’s also something that not a lot of people talk about. There’s courses on copywriting, but nobody really teaches you how to create really epic content.
As I’ve talked about this idea with my friends and mentors, the response was over the top. I talked to a friend about this idea, and he decided to hire me on the spot to help him create his epic guide. I also got a guest post opportunity from an expert in my niche and an interview opportunity with a major influencer in my niche just by letting them know about what I wanted to work on.
That’s why I decided to make this the main theme of my business for next year. It’s clear that there’s a lot of people who want to learn about it, that I’m good at it and that I love doing it, so it was a natural next step for me.
What’s coming up over the next 3 months
Now that you know WHAT I’ll be doing, I also wanted to take you behind the scenes of HOW I’ll do it over the next few months.
#1 – I’ll be writing some EPIC content on creating EPIC guides
Right now I’m working on The Ultimate Epic Guide Checklist where I’ll share the high level strategy that I use to create my epic guides from start to finish. This is the #1 question I’ve been getting when I had conversations with people about creating epic guides, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
#2 – I’m taking a few 1on1 coaching clients for creating EPIC guides
If you’re planning on creating an epic guide for your business over the holidays or in 2017, I’d love to help you do it.
Right now I have a few more slots open for 1on1 coaching (2 are already taken) with online business owners who have a few thousand email subscribers and want to use the epic guides to bring in more traffic, email subscribers and sales for their business.
If you’re interested in working with me 1on1 on creating your ultimate guide from start to finish (and making sure it’s a success), you can apply for a call with me via this application.
If it looks like a good fit we’ll jump on a call where we’ll talk about how I can best help you and see if it’s a good fit. If it is, we could get started as soon as this / next week so you can get the most out of the holidays.
#3 – I’ll be launching a group training program on creating epic guides in January of 2017.
Since I can only take so many 1on1 clients and I want to share my process for creating epic guides with a lot more people than that, I’ll also be launching a group training on creating epic guides from start to finish.
I’ll share more details about the group training in January (and I’ll also be sending you a TON of strategies and tactics on creating epic guides before that), so stay tuned :).
If you KNOW you want to be a part of that group training, you can pre-enroll into it with an early bird offer that I have right now. If you’d like to pre-enroll into my group training on creating epic guides, you can apply for a call with me via this application.
Again, if it looks like a good fit, you’ll be able to pre-enroll into the course and snag a few free calls with me before the course officially beings (so you don’t have to wait until January to get started).
That’s how the next 3 months will look like for me. I’m so excited to work together with more of you, and I’m even more excited to start talking and writing more about creating epic content. It’s one of those things that I could talk about for HOURS, and now I get to share what I know with thousands of people like you!
Want to learn more about creating epic guides (and all those other cool things I mentioned)? Get started by signing up to my email updates where I’ll tell you all about it (plus I’ll send you three of my favorite free EPIC guides as a gift).
Chat soon!
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