This year I’ve spent the holidays in the US for the first time, and it was an amazing experience. My girlfriend and I went to Washington, DC for a few days where we hung out, ate a lot of great food and partied together.
Then we took a train to NYC where we spent more time catching up with our friends, lifting, shopping, and of course, eating.
Because I often take these amazing trips and I always wanted to share with others what they look like, I’ve recorded the whole trip with my camera and created a vlog that you guys can look at:

It’s really been fun to capture some of the great moments from the trip, create some memories to look at in the future, and just do something new, fun and exciting (I’ve never made or edited a vlog like this).
I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Now let’s talk about 2017.
Every year I like to set a theme for myself that allows me to stay focused on the one thing that matters most for me at the time.
This year, that one thing is IMPACT.

This means that everything that I do will be related to having more impact in the world, and helping YOU positively impact more lives.
A lot of people say that they want to make a difference in this world. To make it better. To change peoples’ lives.
And I think most of us already make a difference to some extent. Whether it’s helping a friend or family member out when they need your help, or writing a blog post online, you’re already doing something to make this world a better place.
But for me, just helping a few people, or even a few thousand people isn’t enough. My goal is to impact tens of millions of people all over the world, and to become one of the top influencers in the world.
I’m not talking about just having a blog, doing some coaching and creating online products. Yes, I’m going to do all of those things, but ultimately I want to do more than that.
When I think of making a world-wide impact, I think of celebrities.
People like Oprah. People like Arnold Schwarzenegger. People like Will Smith.

Who DOESN’T know this guy??
More or less everyone knows these people. And when they say something, a lot of people listen to what they have to say, whether they agree with them or not.
These people literally have the power to change the world and make it a better place, and if they have a great story or a message that they want to share, tens or even hundreds of people can hear that message.
That’s what I want to be able to do someday. To be in a position where I can share my lessons and my message with hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Because I know that doing that can make their lives better.
I’ve already experienced a glimpse of this myself…
Over the last few years, I’ve made a name for myself in a few small online communities.
- In my first successful business, I wrote an epic productivity guide for online poker players that was viewed by over 222,000 people and translated into 7 languages.
- Later, I was featured in Business Insider where more than 104,000 people saw my story, and I even got featured in the Slovenian newspapers afterwards.
- I’ve spoken at multiple conferences in front of 200-500 people where I got to share the online business lessons that I’ve learned with them.

Speaking on stage at Ramit Sethi’s Forefront conference in NYC
And of course, then there’s you guys. I love writing blog posts like this to thousands of you guys all over the world and be a part of your journeys in building and growing your online businesses.
I love getting to know you through my email list, chatting with you through my private mastermind group, and even spending the New Year with some of you in person.
Ultimately, that’s what running an online business is about for me. Making a difference. Making your lives better and hearing about how I’ve helped you in the past.
Knowing that I’m not just working in a 9-5 job in a cubicle any more on a computer software program, feeling like I’m wasting my life in front of a computer screen. Meeting and helping people like me, who believe in me, and care about the same things as I do.
Over the past few years, I went from being stuck in a cubicle to running my own location-independent business, traveling the world and hanging out with people like me.
Even though I lived in Slovenia without rich parents, connections, or a college degree (that everyone made fun of in high school).
Even though all of the odds seemed against me, I could make a meaningful difference in many peoples’ lives.
And if I could do that, you can too.
You can spread your message and your story with thousands or even millions of people all over the world. And I’m sooo excited to support you in your journey!
Regardless of whether you’re just getting started in creating your online business or if you already have a profitable online business, I’ll help you make a bigger impact in the world this year through the new content I create for you.
So let’s make 2017 an EPIC and IMPACTFUL year together.
And before you go, make sure to sign up here… because that’s where all the magic happens (I share my best content and free epic guides that will help you make a bigger impact only with my email subscribers).
Saw the video and loved it Primoz! You’re gf is very lovely, and looked like you had a great time. What an adventure! All that food. WOW. Can’t wait to see what you roll out for 2017. Take care, my friend. Nick
Thanks Nick!
So much yummy food in your video! 2017 has already turned out to be such an amazing year for you, Primoz! Saw your wonderful BIG wins you posted about in IM and wanted to learn more about what you do. I saw that you went to Ramit’s Forefront. I believe Selena is going this year. Hope to get to hang out some more in the fb group. CONGRATULATIONS, Primoz! I’m so very excited for you!
Hey Eevi! Yes, I’ll definitely be going to Forefront this year :). I’ll see you there!