So many people these days focus on helping you “grow your online business” with every tactic, trick and hack imaginable.
Facebook Ads, SEO, Tripwires, Early Bird Bonuses, Facebook Messenger Bots, Subscriber Bribes…
There’s a million and one tactic out there to help you get more of everything.
I used to be one of those people who WANTED more of everything.
I thought that only 3 things mattered in online business:
-Email subscribers
And that I should strive to get as many of them as possible.
I was wrong.
There’s a BIG problem with the online business industry that nobody is talking about
Nowadays, everybody is teaching you how to build an online business.
Because so many people want to create one. There’s a ton of demand.
So it’s easy to say “I’ll be a business coach” and easily make some money.
The problem is that just making money and getting more paying customers isn’t enough.
I’ve joined countless online courses in the past, and while I personally loved them and got great results with them, there was also a big issue with them:
Only a fraction of people who take online courses succeed with them
Yes, there’s always case studies out there that show the courses work.
I’m often one of them – I wrote how I got incredible results with Ramit Sethi’s Zero to Launch and Derek Halpern’s Sales Page That Converts on my blog.
The problem is that people like me are mostly outliers, and not the majority of people who join the courses.
So where’s the problem?
Is it in the courses?
Is it in people joining them?
Is it somewhere else?
I’d say it’s in a little bit of everything.
In the past I focused just on getting more customers, email subscribers and sales.
And my business did well.
I kept getting more and more traffic to my website.
My email list kept growing.
More and more people joined my online courses.
But there was one thing that was constantly at the back of my mind.
This is incredibly hard for me to admit, and even share publicly, but I feel like it NEEDS to be heard.
Very few people that joined my courses actually followed through with them.
Many people would buy my courses, and I’d be happy when I saw that the payment came through…
But then I’d never hear from them again.
This sucked.
It sucked because I wanted to genuinely help people change their lives, but I felt like I wasn’t really doing.
I did all the hard work to get the people to buy… And then I stopped taking care of them.
It’s not that my courses were crappy.
I spent a lot of time creating them, and I know that if people implemented my advice, they would get the results from it.
Unfortunately, many people didn’t actually follow through with my courses – and it was my fault.
I was so focused on getting more of everything, that I forgot about the most important thing.
Going above and beyond for my clients.
Now I have a completely different approach to running my online business
This year, as I launched the Ultimate Guide System for the first time, I said things would be different.
I had a conversation with my mentor and friend Marc Aarons, and I asked him about what kind of an early bonus I should create for my program and when I should release it.
He didn’t give me the answer, and instead asked me an important question:
“With this launch, are you optimizing for revenue or learning?”
At the time, I just said learning.
I wanted to find out how my program would sell without any marketing tactics.
So with my launch, I didn’t include any early bird bonuses, discounts or tiers.
And I’m so happy I didn’t.
As soon as I closed the cart for Ultimate Guide System, I noticed that I had the BEST group of students in the program I’ve ever had.
These were ultra-ambitious entrepreneurs with BIG visions to change the world, who were willing to do whatever it takes to write their Ultimate Guides and grow their online businesses.
Fast forward a few months.
We have 2 coaching calls remaining of the initial Ultimate Guide System intensive training.
And guess what?
Around 50% of the people who are in the program are in the process of writing Ultimate Guides (or finished with them).
And 100% of my 1on1 clients will follow through with writing their Ultimate Guides.
Altogether, my students have written well over 100,000 words, and their Ultimate Guides are looking incredible. Together with my 1on1 clients, that number is closer to 200,000 words.
Some of them are even writing their second guides already.
I’m not making this up. Let me show you some guides that my students have written and published over the last few months:
- My 1on1 client Allon wrote his Ultimate Guide to High Performance
- My 1on1 client Frank wrote his Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants
- My 1on1 client Matej wrote How to Find More Time And Energy to Start an Online Business [The Ultimate Guide]
- My Ultimate Guide System student Diana wrote her Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Online Community From Scratch
- My Ultimate Guide System student Nick wrote The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Monetizing Facebook Live For Your Fitness Or Yoga Business
- My Ultimate Guide System student Camille wrote The Ultimate Guide to Getting a Date Without Going Online
- My Ultimate Guide Checklist reader Leslie wrote The Asian Inspired Ultimate Guide to NATURALLY Losing 30 Pounds For Busy, Ambitious Workaholics
Now I’m not showing you this just to brag, even though I love bragging about the amazing work that my students put out.
The point is that for the first time ever, I created an online course that works REALLY well, where my students actually follow through with it.
The success of my CUSTOMERS is now the thing that matters most.
Getting more traffic, email subscribers and sales is secondary.
How focusing on my CUSTOMERS changed my online business
Focusing on making my customers successful made a HUGE difference in my online business.
Well, first of all I feel a lot better when so many of my students are actually following through with the course.
I’m excited to see them grow their online businesses, and make their lives better while doing it.
It makes me feel like I’m not just taking money from people, but actually delivering on the promises that I’ve made to them.
I know that because students are seeing such success with my course, they’re far more likely to buy future courses from me once I create them.
And I know that if I just make them successful, I won’t need to worry so much about spreading the word about my business, since they’ll do it for me.
And it’s already happening.
Here’s what one of my student wrote in their recent Facebook post:
Here’s what another student wrote:
And another one:
These are just some of the many examples out there – and if you follow me on Facebook, you’ll notice that a lot of people are talking about the work I’m doing with them on their Ultimate Guides – and it’s not a coincidence.
Now I know that if I just focus on getting MORE success stories from my work, more and more people will know me, spread the word about me and want to work with me.
It’s that simple.
I don’t need to worry so much about getting more traffic, more email subscribers or more sales any more, because those things will happen anyway as I create more and more success stories.
On the other hand, I do know that I’ll need to spread the word about my business and get more of the RIGHT people into it if I want to create more success stories.
Notice I didn’t just say I need more of ANY people.
I don’t want to get 10,000 more email subscribers that won’t buy my courses or follow through with them.
I want to get more of the RIGHT people who will be the perfect fit for them, and who I know have the best chances of getting great results with them.
In a nutshell, there are only 2 things I need to focus on in my business:
- Getting more of the RIGHT people to work with me (through Ultimate Guide System or 1on1)
- Making sure that the people that work with me follow through with creating incredible Ultimate Guides
And to take it a step further, I can connect both of these things to just ONE main goal, that I set for myself this year.
My main goal for the year is helping 100 of my students publish their Ultimate Guides
I know that if I manage to create 100 powerful success stories this year, everything else will take care of it’s own.
More and more of the RIGHT people will visit my website (who are actually interested in learning more about Ultimate Guides).
More of my existing readers will join my courses because they’ll see the results that the students are getting with them.
I won’t need to “sell” my courses hard, because they’ll sell themselves.
I also know what are the things I’ll NEED to do to make these 100 Ultimate Guides happen.
- I’ll need to spread the word about my business and get more of the RIGHT people to hear about me
- I’ll need to make sure my students follow through with creating their Ultimate Guides
- I’ll need to help my students consistently get great results with their Ultimate Guides
To spread the word about my business, I’ll create more incredible content like Ultimate Guides myself.
I’ll get more publicity for my business in the right publications / website so more of the RIGHT people hear about me. I’ll build the relationships with other top experts in my niche and find more ways to add value to their audiences.
To make sure my students follow through with creating their Ultimate Guides, I’ll make sure to support them as best as I can in doing it.
I’ll go out of my way to check in with the students that are writing their guides and personally help them finish their guides. I’ll listen to the obstacles that prevent them from finishing their guides and find ways to remove them.
To make help my students consistently get great results with Ultimate Guides, I’ll continue to improve the Ultimate Guide System course.
I’m already making a few major improvements to the program, and I’ll be launching UGS 2.0 in the near future. I’ll bring in other experts who wrote their Ultimate Guides and have them share what worked for them with my students. I’ll really make sure that Ultimate Guide System is the BEST course on creating Ultimate Guides.
And this is literally ALL that I’ll be focusing on this year. Just these 3 things.
No fancy marketing tactics. No new online courses. No other stuff that would distract me from helping my students create 100 Ultimate Guides.
I know that if I just focus on that one goal and those 3 strategies to achieve it, everything else will take care of itself.
Now you might be thinking to yourself “this is great for you Primoz… but what can I do to grow MY business this year?”
I thought about that as I talked to my high performance coach about my main goal for this year.
As I did that, I realized… That while you might not help your students create 100 Ultimate Guides, you CAN get 100 happy clients for YOUR online business.
That’s how the concept of “100 Happy Clients” was born.
And I’m excited to share it with you and walk you through it today!
The 100 Happy Clients Framework
If you just focus on getting 100 happy clients with your business, then everything else will take care of itself.
You won’t need to worry so much about growing your email list. You won’t need to worry about making money or hitting a certain product launch revenue. You won’t need to ask yourself “am I really focusing on the MOST important tasks for my business?”.
Because if you just get 100 happy clients, everything else will become 10x easier.
From attracting more of the right readers to your business, to selling more of your online courses, and getting more 1on1 coaching clients.
You’ll just have ONE goal for your business: 100 happy clients by the end of this year. That’s it.
Before we get into details about how to actually GET 100 happy clients, we need to talk about what a “happy clients” actually is.
What does a “happy client” look like for YOUR business?
By a happy client I mean someone who successfully achieved a result that you promised them to achieve.
It could either be with your FREE, or PAID materials.
- For my Ultimate Guide System, a happy clients would be a client that has successfully finished and published an Ultimate Guide.
- If I created an online course about writing 10,000 words / week, a happy client would be a client that would successfully write 10,000 words in a week.
- If you’re running a weight loss business, a happy clients might be a client that has successfully lost 10lbs.
- If you’re running a business about creating online communities, a happy client might be a client that has successfully created a profitable online community.
- If you’re running a business about setting up wordpress websites, a happy client would be a client that has successfully created their wordpress website.
To find out what a happy client is for YOUR business, just ask yourself this question:
“What does success look like?”
What would make your student from an online course or coaching program successful?
What end results are you promising to them?
What results would make them really happy?
If you’re not sure, you can also ask your current students some of these questions.
What does success look like for THEM?
Once you’ve answered these questions, try to define a measurable outcome (like losing 10lbs or creating an Ultimate Guide).
Your measurable outcome should be something that you can immediately put a finger on. You should instantly be able to know if someone has successfully achieved your outcome or not.
Something like “I want to help people write more” isn’t measurable. Writing 10,000 words in a week is.
You don’t need 10 things as your measurable outcome.
Just pick the ONE thing that would be the biggest indicator of your success.
A happy client is a client that has successfully reached your measurable outcome.
That’s it.
Now that you know what a happy client is, let’s look at how we can actually get 100 of them.
Your 3-step roadmap to getting 100 happy clients
To get to 100 happy clients, you really just need to do 3 things:
- You need to give people the OPPORTUNITY to become happy clients
- You need to bring more of the RIGHT people to your business (so they can become happy clients)
- You need to help your students BECOME happy clients by helping them follow through with your advice
If you get those 3 things right, getting to 100 happy clients is just a matter of time.
STEP #1: Give people the OPPORTUNITY to become happy clients
To turn your readers into happy clients, you can help them get to their desired results in one of the following ways:
- You can help them through your free materials that you publish on your website
- You can help them by answering questions / jumping on calls with them
- You can help them by coaching them or helping them through your courses
These are just some of the top ways in which you can create happy clients – of course there’s other avenues as well like public speeches that could work too – but that kind of falls under helping people with free materials.
As you might notice, you don’t NEED to charge people and get 100 PAYING clients in order to get 100 happy clients for your business.
You could create incredible FREE materials like Ultimate Guides on your website that help your students get amazing results and become happy clients.
Like my reader Leslie who created her Ultimate Guide using my Ultimate Guide Checklist and got 500 email subscribers with it in 3 days.
You could help them by answering their questions via email once they subscribe to your email list.
You could jump on 1on1 calls with your email subscribers, like my friend Diana is doing (she’s offering 100 FREE reviews of communities to people signed up to her email list).
You could even host “office hours” or an “ask me anything” in an online community you’re a part of to begin making a name out of yourself and collect some initial happy clients.
I did this when I first started talking about Ultimate Guides (I talked about “epic content creation”, which later turned into Ultimate Guides):
e, you can also offer a coaching program or an online course where you help them achieve the results you’re promising them.
Zero to Launch is a great online course that can help you do just that.
STEP #2: Bring more of the RIGHT people to your business
The BEST way to attract ore of the RIGHT people to your business is by creating incredible content for them.
When you create free content that’s 10x better than anything else in your industry, you won’t just attract more of the right people to your business. You’ll also start collecting happy clients (as mentioned above).
By incredible content, I mean content that people that isn’t just a quick 500 word article, that makes people think “oh, that’s nice” and move on.
I mean content that’s actionable, that actually gets your readers results (and gets you happy clients).
Now of course, creating incredible content isn’t easy.
If it was, everyone would be doing it.
Luckily, there’s a way to LEARN how to create incredible content.
And one of the best ways to do that is by creating an Ultimate Guide – which is usually the most detailed and comprehensive piece of content on a certain topic.
Once you know how to create an Ultimate Guide, creating an incredible blog post or guest posts becomes EASY.
I share my step-by-step system for creating Ultimate Guides (as well as 9 ways in which you can bring more of the RIGHT people to your business with them) in my FREE 13,000+ word Ultimate Guide Checklist.
You can grab your FREE copy of the Ultimate Guide Checklist here.
Once you know how to create incredible content for your business, the next step is to spread the word about your amazing content.
To learn how to do that, check out this free interview I recorded with my friend Selena Soo, who’s the go-to expert on getting more publicity for your business:
Even if you’re not interested in creating a 10,000+ word Ultimate Guide right now, you can still watch the interview – as the advice Selena shares is widely applicable to anyone who creates really incredible content.
Once you have a consistent stream of new high quality readers coming into your business, there’s just one thing left to do.
You need to turn them into happy clients.
STEP #3: Help your students BECOME happy clients
There’s just one thing you need to do to help your students become happy clients.
You need to go ABOVE AND BEYOND for your students while working with them.
What does that mean?
Let me give you some examples how I go above and beyond for my Ultimate Guide System students (which helps me get a 50% success rate with the program that almost nobody else has):
- I designed the program in a way that it’s 1 year long, rather than just 8 weeks, because I know that writing Ultimate Guides takes time and I want to be there for my students with every step of the way. If they fall behind, I still want to help them follow through with their guide. If they want to create more guides, I’ll happily help them with that as well.
- I extended the first part of the course from 10 weeks as originally planned to 14 weeks or so, to prevent students from being overwhelmed and falling behind when the writing phase began – so I’m pacing the course based on their progress.
- When I launch a new cohort for the course, my old students will have a chance to attend all the live calls etc. again, so they can create their next guide or restart working on the first one if they fell off track.
- I welcome every student with a 1on1 call, to get to know them and build a relationship with them. I know more or less all of my students by names, their guides that they are working on, their business ideas, etc. – this makes them feel special and helps build a really strong community.
- I go out of my way to leave feedback for my students on their guides. I review their guides in google docs, give them step by step feedback, help them rewrite some of their copy, etc.
- I jump on 1on1 calls with them if they really get stuck or need my help.
- I make sure to always encourage them and celebrate their wins with them, no matter how big or small they might be.
- I’m happy to go over time with our 90min calls if we need to, in order to help every single student with their guides.
- I’m jumping on 1on1 calls with all students that have started creating their guides over the next few weeks to help them finish their guides and get them over the finish line
- I’ll go out of my way to promote their guides once they’re written (of course!).
Most people that run online courses don’t do ANY of these things – and some only do a few them. By doing all of them, I’m able to get such a high success rate with my students, and get so many more “happy clients” for my business.
Feel free to steal some of these ideas to go above and beyond for your own courses, coaching programs or even free materials. They should give you a great start.
Beyond that, you can brainstorm other ways in which YOU can go above and beyond for YOUR students.
To do that, ask yourself questions like:
- What can I do to help my students follow through with my advice?
- What are the biggest challenges that might prevent my students from following through with my advice, and how can I remove them for them?
- What can I do to make it 10x more likely for my students to succeed with my advice?
Don’t be afraid to get creative with this step. It’s totally cool to test your ideas, no matter how crazy they are.
The craziest ideas are usually the best ones anyway, and will really make you stand out from everyone else in your industry.
Once you have some ideas ready, go ahead and test them out!
Share the ideas with your email subscribers. Give them an opportunity to work with you. Go above and beyond for your current clients and students in your online courses.
Slowly but surely, you’ll get more and more happy clients for your business
The secret I didn’t tell you about yet
There’s one thing I left out when I talked about the 100 happy clients framework.
It might actually be the BEST part of the framework.
So hear me out…
All of these strategies work TOGETHER with each other, build off of each other and help you get exponentially more happy clients for your business.
Let’s say…
- You can get 10% more of the RIGHT PEOPLE to your business
- You can give your readers 10% more OPPORTUNITIES to become your happy clients
- You help 10% more people that you help actually BECOME happy clients
How many more happy clients will you have for your business?
You’ll have 33% more happy clients for your business (1.1*1.1*1.1).
So even if you just SLIGHTLY improve the amount of the right people you get into your business, give them one more opportunity to work with you, and help 10% more of the people actually follow through with your advice, you’ll get 33% more happy clients for your business.
Now let’s ramp up the numbers to something more ambitious.
What if you could DOUBLE the amount of the RIGHT PEOPLE you bring to your business, the amount of OPPORTUNITIES they have to work with you, and the amount of people that FOLLOW THROUGH with your advice?
You’ll have 800% more happy clients for your business (2*2*2).
This means that if you have 10 happy clients right now, you’d be able to get 80 happy clients by doing this.
How cool is that?
Now of course, doubling all of those numbers isn’t as easy as it sounds on paper, but that doesn’t mean it’s not doable.
It’s TOTALLY doable in a year, even in half a year, or even in a few months, IF you focus on the strategies above.
How to get started with getting your 100 happy clients TODAY
If you’re onboard with the idea of getting to 100 happy clients for YOUR business, I suggest you do three things over the next 2 minutes to get started today.
- Start out by committing to getting to 100 happy clients in your business this year. You can also leave a comment below with your commitment.
- Define what a happy client looks like for your business. What’s the one measurable outcome that would make your client a happy client?
- Get started with the first step of the “Happy Client Framework” – getting more of the RIGHT people into your business.
My favorite way of doing that is by creating Ultimate Guides.
With Ultimate Guides, I’ve attracted 278,958+ website visitors and 6,150+ email subscribers to my website – and they helped me generate $300k+ in revenue with my online business.
You can learn all about how I did that (and how you can use Ultimate Guides to get to your 100 happy clients) by getting your FREE copy of my 13,000+ word Ultimate Guide checklist.
Just leave your name and email below and I’ll send it straight to your inbox!
P.S. Have a friend that would LOVE this article? Share it with them, or even better, share it on Facebook!
Fantastic article Primoz! I couldn’t stop reading it! The idea of focusing on 100 happy clients sounds like music to my ears.
Not only does it not feel sleazy (only focusing on #s) it feels human. Happy clients! I mean…isn’t that essentially what we want anyways? Happy clients, that are happy to throw money at us for doing something that makes us happy!
I also love how you made a distinction for what you mean by “happy clients”.
“By a happy client I mean someone who successfully achieved a result that you promised them to achieve.”
I assumed that you meant PAYING clients, but the fact that we can focus on helping people without charging as well (especially when you’re just establishing yourself)…I really like that.
So what does my happy client look like? Someone who has created a profitable online community.
What does that look like?
#1. First and foremost it would NOT be a free community. It would be only for paying clients…of an online course or membership.
#2. They would have a folder full of screenshot testimonials that they can use on their sales pages and blogs
#3. Their members would become repeat buyers of their other courses.
#4. The majority of their students would actually finish their courses.
You see…I’m that Diana friend Primoz mentioned in the post; the crazy mo-fo that’s offering free community reviews to anyone that signs up and fills out my bonus worksheet.
So that’s another way to define my happy customer. Someone who downloads that worksheet and is able to set up their online community in less than a week. 🙂
Cheers to getting my first 100 happy clients!